International Geomechanics Conference (IGS2024)

We are delighted to be a coffee break sponsor at this year’s International Geomechanics Conference (IGS2024) being held in Kuala Lumpur from18 – 20th November 2024.
IGS2024 continues to be the epicenter for geomechanics excellence! Showcasing the ‘Role of Geomechanics for Sustainability and Energy Efficiency’, this conference will provide a top tier platform to exchange geomechanics knowledge and experience, to connect global expertise and know-how with regional challenges, and to provide world-class training to young professionals and students. The technical program will cover a wide range of geomechanics applications in energy storage, CO2 sequestration, petroleum, mining, geothermal, geotechnics, and environmental, present latest know-hows in rock characterization, in-situ stress, pore pressure, natural fractures, faults, tectonics, rock testing, geomechanics measurements, drilling, completions, stimulation, production, reservoir engineering, artificial intelligence, and data analytics.
As well as sponsoring, Juan Carlos Chavez (JC), Principal Production Technologist, will be attending the event on Axis’ behalf. JC is also part of the IGS2024 organising committee, so he knows first hand how exciting the line up of the technical programme will be, and how valuable attendance is for anyone with an interest in the field of geomechanics.